Old red pickup truck

Business/Ag Checking

We'll Work as Hard as You Do!

Designed to help you achieve your financial goals, our Business and Agricultural checking accounts provide the service and benefits that allow you to focus on growth and profitability.

Available Business and Agricultural checking accounts:

  • Business Checking
  • Analysis Checking
  • Business Plus Checking
  • Civic Checking
This is an account designed for the business person who does not write a large volume of checks, and is available to sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and civic organizations.**

  • Minimum Balance:
    • $300.00 minimum daily balance
  • Service Charges:
    • $6.00 per month if minimum balance is not maintained
    • $0.20 per debit over 25 if average collected balance of $1,500.00 is not maintained
  • Benefits:
    • Low minimum balance
    • Check and deposit images returned in monthly statement

**Includes churches, schools, clubs, and social groups.
This account is tailored to meet your specific needs. Each month we analyze your account balance and activity, and an earnings credit is applied and fees are charged or waived based on this analysis.*

  • Benefits:
    • Earnings credit for balances
    • Check and deposit images returned in monthly statement
    • This is ideal for companies which routinely receive and write a large number of checks. This account is available to sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and civic organizations.**

*See a customer service representative for an example of our analysis.
**Includes churches, schools, clubs, and social groups.
This account is designed for sole proprietorships and civic organizations** with low account activity, giving you the opportunity to earn interest on your account.

  • Minimum Balance:
    • $500 minimum daily balance
  • Service Charges:
    • $8.00 per month if minimum balance is not maintained
    • $0.20 per debit over 25 if average collected balance of $2,500.00 is not maintained
  • Benefits:
    • Check and deposit images returned in monthly statement
    • Tiered interest paid on daily collected balances
    • Higher interest rate paid on higher balances

*See a customer service representative for an example of our analysis.
**Includes churches, schools, clubs, and social groups.
Civic Checking is for civic organizations** with limited checking activity that desire ease and affordability.

  • Minimum Balance:
    • No minimum balance
  • Service Charges:
    • $0.20 per debit
    • $1.00 per statement plus $1.00 for images
  • Benefits:
    • No minimum balance
    • Only pay for the services you use

**Includes churches, schools, clubs, and social groups.
Couple dancing in a kitchen

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